API Reference

A python library wrapping the Cap’n Proto C++ library

Example Usage:

import capnp

addressbook = capnp.load('addressbook.capnp')

# Building
addresses = addressbook.AddressBook.newMessage()
people = addresses.init('people', 1)

alice = people[0]
alice.id = 123
alice.name = 'Alice'
alice.email = 'alice@example.com'
alicePhone = alice.init('phones', 1)[0]
alicePhone.type = 'mobile'

f = open('example.bin', 'w')

# Reading
f = open('example.bin')

addresses = addressbook.AddressBook.read(f)

for person in addresses.people:
    print(person.name, ':', person.email)
    for phone in person.phones:
        print(phone.type, ':', phone.number)

Internal Classes

These classes are internal to the library. You will never need to allocate one yourself, but you may end up using some of their member methods.


These are classes that are made for you when you import a Cap’n Proto file:

import capnp
import addressbook_capnp

print type(addressbook_capnp.Person) # capnp.capnp._StructModule
class capnp._StructModule(self, schema, name)
from_bytes(self, buf, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None, builder=False)

Returns a Reader for the unpacked object in buf.

  • buf (buffer) – Any Python object that supports the buffer interface.
  • traversal_limit_in_words (int) – Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Is actually a uint64_t, and values can be up to 2^64-1. Default is 8*1024*1024.
  • nesting_limit (int) – Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Default is 64.
  • builder (bool) – If true, return a builder object. This will allow you to change the contents of buf, so do this with care.
Return type:

_DynamicStructReader or _DynamicStructBuilder

from_bytes_packed(self, buf, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None)

Returns a Reader for the packed object in buf.

  • buf (buffer) – Any Python object that supports the readable buffer interface.
  • traversal_limit_in_words (int) – Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Is actually a uint64_t, and values can be up to 2^64-1. Default is 8*1024*1024.
  • nesting_limit (int) – Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Default is 64.
Return type:


from_dict(self, kwargs)


This method is deprecated and will be removed in the 0.5 release. Use the new_message() function instead with **kwargs

from_object(self, obj)


This method is deprecated and will be removed in the 0.5 release. Use the _DynamicStructReader.as_builder() or _DynamicStructBuilder.copy() functions instead

new_message(self, num_first_segment_words=None, **kwargs)

Returns a newly allocated builder message.

  • num_first_segment_words (int) – Size of the first segment to allocate in the message (in words ie. 8 byte increments)
  • kwargs (dict) – A list of fields and their values to initialize in the struct. Note, this is not an actual argument, but refers to Python’s ability to pass keyword arguments. ie. new_message(my_field=100)
Return type:


read(self, file, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None)

Returns a Reader for the unpacked object read from file.

  • file (file) – A python file-like object. It must be a “real” file, with a fileno() method.
  • traversal_limit_in_words (int) – Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Is actually a uint64_t, and values can be up to 2^64-1. Default is 8*1024*1024.
  • nesting_limit (int) – Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Default is 64.
Return type:


read_multiple(self, file, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None)

Returns an iterable, that when traversed will return Readers for messages.

  • file (file) – A python file-like object. It must be a “real” file, with a fileno() method.
  • traversal_limit_in_words (int) – Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Is actually a uint64_t, and values can be up to 2^64-1. Default is 8*1024*1024.
  • nesting_limit (int) – Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Default is 64.
Return type:

Iterable with elements of _DynamicStructReader

read_multiple_bytes(self, buf, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None)

Returns an iterable, that when traversed will return Readers for messages.

  • buf (buffer) – Any Python object that supports the buffer interface.
  • traversal_limit_in_words (int) – Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Is actually a uint64_t, and values can be up to 2^64-1. Default is 8*1024*1024.
  • nesting_limit (int) – Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Default is 64.
Return type:

Iterable with elements of _DynamicStructReader

read_multiple_bytes_packed(self, buf, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None)

Returns an iterable, that when traversed will return Readers for messages.

  • buf (buffer) – Any Python object that supports the buffer interface.
  • traversal_limit_in_words (int) – Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Is actually a uint64_t, and values can be up to 2^64-1. Default is 8*1024*1024.
  • nesting_limit (int) – Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Default is 64.
Return type:

Iterable with elements of _DynamicStructReader

read_multiple_packed(self, file, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None)

Returns an iterable, that when traversed will return Readers for messages.

  • file (file) – A python file-like object. It must be a “real” file, with a fileno() method.
  • traversal_limit_in_words (int) – Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Is actually a uint64_t, and values can be up to 2^64-1. Default is 8*1024*1024.
  • nesting_limit (int) – Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Default is 64.
Return type:

Iterable with elements of _DynamicStructReader

read_packed(self, file, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None)

Returns a Reader for the packed object read from file.

  • file (file) – A python file-like object. It must be a “real” file, with a fileno() method.
  • traversal_limit_in_words (int) – Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Is actually a uint64_t, and values can be up to 2^64-1. Default is 8*1024*1024.
  • nesting_limit (int) – Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Default is 64.
Return type:


class capnp._InterfaceModule(self, schema, name)


class capnp._DynamicStructReader

Reads Cap’n Proto structs

This class is almost a 1 for 1 wrapping of the Cap’n Proto C++ DynamicStruct::Reader. The only difference is that instead of a get method, __getattr__ is overloaded and the field name is passed onto the C++ equivalent get. This means you just use . syntax to access any field. For field names that don’t follow valid python naming convention for fields, use the global function getattr():

person = addressbook.Person.read(file) # This returns a _DynamicStructReader
print person.name # using . syntax
print getattr(person, 'field-with-hyphens') # for names that are invalid for python, use getattr
as_builder(self, num_first_segment_words=None)

A method for casting this Reader to a Builder

This is a copying operation with respect to the message’s buffer. Changes in the new builder will not reflect in the original reader.

Parameters:num_first_segment_words (int) – Size of the first segment to allocate in the message (in words ie. 8 byte increments)
Return type:_DynamicStructBuilder

is_root: ‘bool’


A property that returns the _StructSchema object matching this reader

to_dict(self, verbose=False, ordered=False)

Returns the enum corresponding to the union in this struct

Return type:_DynamicEnumField
Returns:A string/enum corresponding to what field is set in the union
Raises:KjException if this struct doesn’t contain a union
class capnp._DynamicListReader

Class for reading Cap’n Proto Lists

This class thinly wraps the C++ Cap’n Proto DynamicList::Reader class. __getitem__ and __len__ have been defined properly, so you can treat this class mostly like any other iterable class:

person = addressbook.Person.read(file)

phones = person.phones # This returns a _DynamicListReader

phone = phones[0]
print phone.number

for phone in phones:
    print phone.number


class capnp._DynamicStructBuilder

Builds Cap’n Proto structs

This class is almost a 1 for 1 wrapping of the Cap’n Proto C++ DynamicStruct::Builder. The only difference is that instead of a get/set method, __getattr__/__setattr__ is overloaded and the field name is passed onto the C++ equivalent function. This means you just use . syntax to access or set any field. For field names that don’t follow valid python naming convention for fields, use the global functions getattr()/setattr():

person = addressbook.Person.new_message() # This returns a _DynamicStructBuilder

person.name = 'foo' # using . syntax
print person.name # using . syntax

setattr(person, 'field-with-hyphens', 'foo') # for names that are invalid for python, use setattr
print getattr(person, 'field-with-hyphens') # for names that are invalid for python, use getattr
adopt(self, field, _DynamicOrphan orphan)

A method for adopting Cap’n Proto orphans

Don’t use this method unless you know what you’re doing. Orphans are useful for dynamically allocating objects for an unknown sized list.

  • field (str) – The field name in the struct
  • orphan (_DynamicOrphan) – A Cap’n proto orphan to adopt. It will be unusable after this operation.
Return type:



A method for casting this Builder to a Reader

This is a non-copying operation with respect to the message’s buffer. This means changes to the fields in the original struct will carry over to the new reader.

Return type:_DynamicStructReader
copy(self, num_first_segment_words=None)

A method for copying this Builder

This is a copying operation with respect to the message’s buffer. Changes in the new builder will not reflect in the original reader.

Parameters:num_first_segment_words (int) – Size of the first segment to allocate in the message (in words ie. 8 byte increments)
Return type:_DynamicStructBuilder
disown(self, field)

A method for disowning Cap’n Proto orphans

Don’t use this method unless you know what you’re doing.

Parameters:field (str) – The field name in the struct
Return type:_DynamicOrphan
from_dict(self, dict d)
init(self, field, size=None)

Method for initializing fields that are of type union/struct/list

Typically, you don’t have to worry about initializing structs/unions, so this method is mainly for lists.

  • field (str) – The field name to initialize
  • size (int) – The size of the list to initiialize. This should be None for struct/union initialization.
Return type:

_DynamicStructBuilder or _DynamicListBuilder


KjException if the field isn’t in this struct

init_resizable_list(self, field)

Method for initializing fields that are of type list (of structs)

This version of init returns a _DynamicResizableListBuilder that allows you to add members one at a time (ie. if you don’t know the size for sure). This is only meant for lists of Cap’n Proto objects, since for primitive types you can just define a normal python list and fill it yourself.


You need to call _DynamicResizableListBuilder.finish() on the list object before serializing the Cap’n Proto message. Failure to do so will cause your objects not to be written out as well as leaking orphan structs into your message.

Parameters:field (str) – The field name to initialize
Return type:_DynamicResizableListBuilder
Raises:KjException if the field isn’t in this struct

is_root: ‘bool’


A property that returns the _StructSchema object matching this writer


Returns the struct’s containing message as a Python bytes object in the unpacked binary format.

This is inefficient; it makes several copies.

Return type:bytes
Raises:KjException if this isn’t the message’s root struct.
to_dict(self, verbose=False, ordered=False)

Returns the enum corresponding to the union in this struct

Return type:_DynamicEnumField
Returns:A string/enum corresponding to what field is set in the union
Raises:KjException if this struct doesn’t contain a union
write(self, file)

Writes the struct’s containing message to the given file object in unpacked binary format.

This is a shortcut for calling capnp._write_message_to_fd(). This can only be called on the message’s root struct.

Parameters:file (file) – A file or socket object (or anything with a fileno() method), open for write.
Return type:void
Raises:KjException if this isn’t the message’s root struct.
write_packed(self, file)

Writes the struct’s containing message to the given file object in packed binary format.

This is a shortcut for calling capnp._write_packed_message_to_fd(). This can only be called on the message’s root struct.

Parameters:file (file) – A file or socket object (or anything with a fileno() method), open for write.
Return type:void
Raises:KjException if this isn’t the message’s root struct.
class capnp._DynamicListBuilder

Class for building Cap’n Proto Lists

This class thinly wraps the C++ Cap’n Proto DynamicList::Bulder class. __getitem__, __setitem__, and __len__ have been defined properly, so you can treat this class mostly like any other iterable class:

person = addressbook.Person.new_message()

phones = person.init('phones', 2) # This returns a _DynamicListBuilder

phone = phones[0]
phone.number = 'foo'
phone = phones[1]
phone.number = 'bar'

for phone in phones:
    print phone.number
adopt(self, index, _DynamicOrphan orphan)

A method for adopting Cap’n Proto orphans

Don’t use this method unless you know what you’re doing. Orphans are useful for dynamically allocating objects for an unknown sized list.

  • index (int) – The index of the element in the list to replace with the newly adopted object
  • orphan (_DynamicOrphan) – A Cap’n proto orphan to adopt. It will be unusable after this operation.
Return type:


disown(self, index)

A method for disowning Cap’n Proto orphans

Don’t use this method unless you know what you’re doing.

Parameters:index (int) – The index of the element in the list to disown
Return type:_DynamicOrphan
class capnp._DynamicResizableListBuilder

_DynamicResizableListBuilder(parent, field, schema) Class for building growable Cap’n Proto Lists


You need to call finish() on this object before serializing the Cap’n Proto message. Failure to do so will cause your objects not to be written out as well as leaking orphan structs into your message.

This class works much like _DynamicListBuilder, but it allows growing the list dynamically. It is meant for lists of structs, since for primitive types like int or float, you’re much better off using a normal python list and then serializing straight to a Cap’n Proto list. It has __getitem__ and __len__ defined, but not __setitem__:

person = addressbook.Person.new_message()

phones = person.init_resizable_list('phones') # This returns a _DynamicResizableListBuilder

phone = phones.add()
phone.number = 'foo'
phone = phones.add()
phone.number = 'bar'


f = open('example', 'w')

A method for adding a new struct to the list

This will return a struct, in which you can set fields that will be reflected in the serialized Cap’n Proto message.

Return type:_DynamicStructBuilder

A method for closing this list and serializing all its members to the message

If you don’t call this method, the items you previously added from this object will leak into the message, ie. inaccessible but still taking up space.


class capnp._DynamicCapabilityClient
cast_as(self, schema)

A property that returns the _InterfaceSchema object matching this client

upcast(self, schema)
class capnp._CapabilityClient
cast_as(self, schema)


class capnp._DynamicOrphan

Returns a python object corresponding to the DynamicValue owned by this orphan

Use this DynamicValue to set fields inside the orphan

class capnp.KjException(self, message=None, nature=None, durability=None, wrapper=None)

KjException is a wrapper of the internal C++ exception type. There is an enum named Type listed below, and a bunch of fields

class Type









capnp.load(file_name, display_name=None, imports=[])

Load a Cap’n Proto schema from a file

You will have to load a schema before you can begin doing anything meaningful with this library. Loading a schema is much like loading a Python module (and load even returns a ModuleType). Once it’s been loaded, you use it much like any other Module:

addressbook = capnp.load('addressbook.capnp')
print addressbook.qux # qux is a top level constant in the addressbook.capnp schema
# 123
person = addressbook.Person.new_message()
  • file_name (str) – A relative or absolute path to a Cap’n Proto schema
  • display_name (str) – The name internally used by the Cap’n Proto library for the loaded schema. By default, it’s just os.path.basename(file_name)
  • imports (list) – A list of str directories to add to the import path.
Return type:



A module corresponding to the loaded schema. You can access parsed schemas and constants with . syntax


KjException if file_name doesn’t exist


Add a hook to the python import system, so that Cap’n Proto modules are directly importable

After calling this function, you can use the python import syntax to directly import capnproto schemas. This function is automatically called upon first import of capnp, so you will typically never need to use this function.:

import capnp

import addressbook_capnp
# equivalent to capnp.load('addressbook.capnp', 'addressbook', sys.path), except it will search for 'addressbook.capnp' in all directories of sys.path
Parameters:additional_paths (list) – Additional paths, listed as strings, to be used to search for the .capnp files. It is prepended to the beginning of sys.path. It also affects imports inside of Cap’n Proto schemas.

Remove the import hook, and return python’s import to normal




class capnp.TwoPartyClient

TwoPartyClient(socket, restorer=None)

ez_restore(self, textId)
restore(self, objectId)
class capnp.TwoPartyServer

TwoPartyServer(socket, restorer=None, server_socket=None, bootstrap=None)


port_promise: object

class capnp.Promise


attach(self, *args)
cancel(self, numParents=1)

is_consumed: ‘bool’

then(self, func, error_func=None)
class capnp.PromiseFulfillerPair



is_consumed: ‘bool’


promise: capnp.lib.capnp._VoidPromise


class capnp.SchemaParser

A class for loading Cap’n Proto schema files.

Do not use this class unless you’re sure you know what you’re doing. Use the convenience method load() instead.

load(self, file_name, display_name=None, imports=[])

Load a Cap’n Proto schema from a file

You will have to load a schema before you can begin doing anything meaningful with this library. Loading a schema is much like loading a Python module (and load even returns a ModuleType). Once it’s been loaded, you use it much like any other Module:

parser = capnp.SchemaParser()
addressbook = parser.load('addressbook.capnp')
print addressbook.qux # qux is a top level constant
# 123
person = addressbook.Person.new_message()
  • file_name (str) – A relative or absolute path to a Cap’n Proto schema
  • display_name (str) – The name internally used by the Cap’n Proto library for the loaded schema. By default, it’s just os.path.basename(file_name)
  • imports (list) – A list of str directories to add to the import path.
Return type:



A module corresponding to the loaded schema. You can access parsed schemas and constants with . syntax


modules_by_id: dict

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